Pricing Strategy: How To Choose It ?


Fincrif India

Oct 14

05:29 AM

Due to their flexibility to shop about, almost 90% of online shoppers will compare prices on products. As a result, your product's price is much more important than it would be in a physical store. While eCommerce companies compete with all other online merchants, they only do so with neighborhood stores.

One of the most crucial factors you must take into account when starting an internet business is your pricing plan. Your profit margins will be based on the pricing of your products, therefore setting your own prices is crucial to running a successful business. But it might be tough to design a pricing plan without knowing where to start. Given the variety of often employed pricing techniques, it's critical to pick the one that works best for you and your online company. 

You should absolutely set aside some time once you've begun to create your online store to conduct a pricing study and consider the best pricing tactics for your company. In order for you to do a pricing study for your online store with confidence, this article will examine various pricing tactics. 

What is a Pricing Strategy ? 

A pricing plan describes the kind of research and steps a company will take to decide how much to charge for its goods. When it comes to earnings, using the right pricing approach is essential. 

Due to their flexibility to shop about, almost 90% of online shoppers will compare prices on products. As a result, your product's price is much more important than it would be in a physical store. While eCommerce companies compete with all other online merchants, they only do so with neighborhood stores.

4 Pricing Strategy You Should Know About 

Different pricing tactics are employed by businesses. Although some are more well-known than others, all of them can be useful when performing a price study for your store. Examine nine of the most well-liked ones.  

Pricing Methodology Based on Costs

The simplest simple method of pricing is cost-based pricing. It entails figuring out production expenses, raising the price, and then realising a profit. As a result, you would set the pricing at RS.20 if it cost you RS.10 to produce your goods and you wanted to make a RS.10 profit. This strategy is employed by businesses that manufacture goods, who mark up their goods to secure a profit on each sale. 

Although it is a common pricing method, cost-based pricing has drawbacks. First of all, it doesn't take into account the consumer or how much they are willing to spend on your product. Additionally, the going price for those things on the market is not taken into account. Therefore, even though selling each product will provide a profit, consumers might not be willing to pay. 

Marketplace Pricing

Companies that employ a market-based pricing approach base their product pricing decisions on the prices of their rivals as well as the general market. To determine how much a product will sell for, market research must be conducted on equivalent or comparable products. 

Product cost + market price is the formula.

If a company believes that their product is valuable, they may decide to charge a premium. Smartphone manufacturers frequently use this kind of pricing strategy. Before setting their own prices, they all consider each other's existing prices. Pricing that is based on the market implies that your costs will be reasonable given the state of the industry. However, you could make a pricing mistake as well if another company does. Additionally, a major factor that it ignores is the worth of the customer.

Flexible Pricing

Because of varying demand and market rates, this pricing strategy entails prices that change frequently during the day. This can be calculated and your dynamic pricing plan organised by organisations using a variety of dynamic pricing solutions. The pricing for Uber is dynamic. The number of persons who need a ride determines the fare, which fluctuates frequently. This pricing approach is employed by airlines as well. 

Because it continually takes the shifting market into account and increases profits with greater demand, a dynamic pricing approach is beneficial. Although the prices vary so frequently, it still necessitates constant inspection and monitoring. 

Valuation-Based Pricing

 By taking into account the value that customers place on your product, you may determine how much to charge for it. This is known as a value-based pricing strategy. Looking at the current market to discover what competitors are offering is another essential component of this pricing approach. 

Apple is one company that successfully applies value-based pricing. Their items are more expensive than those of their rivals, but over the years, they have amassed a devoted following of customers who are content to pay higher costs for their goods.

Value-based pricing enables you to base your decision on both market analysis and customer value when setting the price of your product. To perform this study and determine the appropriate pricing, though, can be time- and money-consuming. In commerce, time is equal to


How To Choose Pricing Strategy ? 

You might be asking how to select the appropriate pricing strategy for your company now that you've read about the range of pricing strategies on the market. Therefore, understanding how to do a pricing study is essential to your brand's success. However, there are a number of things to take into account while performing a pricing analysis, such as:

  • Your target market and their potential spending power;

  • The production costs to your company; 

  • The pricing that rival businesses are now charging;

  • The worth of your product to customers.

In the end, to be successful, your firm must be lucrative. Your pricing strategy decision-making should be aided by taking into account all of the aforementioned possibilities. Keep in mind that a price plan doesn't have to last forever. You can give one a shot before moving on to another. Depending on the different products you have, your pricing tactics could change. You can identify the best pricing strategy for your company by experimenting with several ones and modifying them over time. You can use data tracking and analytics connectors from some website builders, like Ucraft, to figure out which pricing tactics are effective. 


Each pricing strategy has advantages for particular markets, sectors, and store sizes. There are numerous pricing techniques available. A thorough analysis of your consumer base, target market, customer value, and products is required before selecting the best pricing plan for your company. 

You can test and modify alternatives based on these elements, and you don't have to use the same price strategy for every product. It will be simpler to decide on pricing techniques for your products if you have established a following of devoted customers for your brand. However, choosing a price strategy in advance of opening your online store is essential for the success of your company. 

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